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USD 12.88
USD 12.88
Moskill Vermin Powder 120 Millilitres
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Carton
1 carton count is 12 Pieces
1 piece capacity is 120 Millilitres
Order today and we’ll deliver in just 1-2 days.
USD 6.61
USD 6.61
Mosskill in Bulk at wholesale Price
– Economical packs.
– Refills available.
– Perimeter of protection: Coils protect up to a 10ft x 10ft area
– Each Coil Smolders Pleasantly For Hours.
– Tested in the most extreme mosquito conditions.
– No chemicals or sprays on your skin.
– Contains natural pyrethrum.
Low mammalian toxicity.
Low persistence in the environment.
– Rapid knockdown.
– No resistance build up.
– Easy to use
USD 7.98
USD 7.98
MOSKILL VERMIN POWDER is a pyrethrin insecticide dust that controls a broad range of insects including bed bugs, ants, cockroaches and termites
Cockroaches are among the fastest land-moving insects. They are capable of moving 50 body lengths each second! If a human had this potential he could run a 100 yard dash in 1 second, reaching a speed of 200 miles per hour! Usain Bolt wouldn’t stand a chance. So killing them physically won’t work, just use MOSKILL DUDU POWDER which is a pyrethrin insecticide dust that controls a broad range of insects including bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, spiders, crickets, fleas, centipedes and more. The pyrethrin gives the dust a fast kill and makes the product natural and safe for use around people and pets (always follow directions for safe use) Effective for up to 6 months if left undisturbed. Moskill is a product of Osho chemicals Public health division there hence no substitute for quality!
USD 55.02
USD 55.02
1 carton has 36 packs
1 pack has 30 mats
Formulated to be quickly absorbed by flies to knock them down and kill them.
USD 52.76
USD 52.76
Moskill Liq Refill in Bulk at wholesale Price